
As you all know from the heading itself you are going to face one of the most discussed topics. Let us be honest we all have come across this topic in newspapers, in debates, sometimes in group discussion etc. Do you know what? you are supposedly going to find an answer now.
So let's begin. Wikipedia (which is our support system, the database of facts) says that “Artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals.
So simply artificial intelligence is when my phone recognizes my voice, or when the phone works with a touch or the digital watch you are wearing measures your pulse and acts as a pedometer too. Wow, I guess it's not too complicated now. For someone who is new to AI,“ it is when machines make things more efficiently better for us.”
Now when it all began? And more importantly why it all began? Let me answer the first question when and how. With the increase in population data increased and that means data to be processed increased right that means we need a DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM so it was developed boom !! next now my data is processed and then it is an information with certain conditions but I need to manage it. so boom!! it is a MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM(which manages data) now I need to make decisions what is my priority? So here we have “DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM”and then finally comes “INTELLIGENT SYSTEM” or which I like to call an independent decision support system.
So moving to the next question “WHY?”. I want to sit somewhere, I can sit on the floor, yeah but if I will get myself a chair won't it is comfortable of course, wait I can push a cushion good! But I can go for a sofa right? How about with some pizza and coke and a foot massager. Perfect! Right, what am I referring? Comfort, all my needs summed up in one position this is why we need artificial intelligence. Now consider it in a bigger scenario previously we needed people to keep data and records now what do we need a simple computer and all your work is done but then where will the people go? we get here rise in unemployment. Then again it connects you with your distant friend partying in states but at the same time helps in getting the pizza at your door making you parting away from yourself.
Yes, I believe artificial intelligence is a threat to the human race because artificial intelligence is enabled with the power of decision making BUT also it is BIASED by the ONE WHO MAKES THEM. We make them independent to take their decisions and yes we make ourselves dependent on them to take our decisions. Somewhere I have also seen human race taken over by AI mates but at the same time somewhere I see the need of the time is not to stop but to think. Remember as said by Lisa Kleypas “You are your own worst enemyIf you can learn to stop expecting impossible perfection, in yourself and others, you may find the happiness that has always eluded you.”I would ask you to consider the first line. The intelligent systems we make/design are made or designed or embedded the way we want them to be. I would leave it onto you right now. I hope you got your answer. Thank you for sparing time. And yes a tip don't stop reading articles read more and more so that you learn more and more.
- From Bithika Mohanty (FAQNation)


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